Spring Garden Tips

Now is the time to start cleaning out your gardens, removing the dead portions from perennials, pruning damaged or dead branches and limbs in trees and shrubs - now is the time to "git 'r done." What are you waiting for? You can do it (or you can call us if you need help).

All early planting of bulbs, perennials, shrubs, trees, etc. should be done in spring. Make sure you use good composted soils and growing mixes. Experts agree that the better the soil conditions, the longer the life of the plants. All heavy to light pruning should be done by mid-to-late April. All transplanting of shrubs and trees, or separating of perennials should also be done during the early part of the spring season.

Although the water is cold right now, pond cleaning, if it can be done, should be completed in the next several weeks.

For the do-it-yourselfers remember: always be open to exploring different things, ideas, and contrasts with your flowers, evergreens, shrubs, trees, mulch, stone, etc.

Happy Gardening!

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